"> The symptoms of brown patch or Rhizoctonia blight of bristle basket grass (Oplismenus hirtellus) were observed in the summer of 2004 in a citrus orchard in Babolkenar region, South of Babol, Mazandaran province. The individual plant symptoms consisted of blighted spots, which gradually expanded to encompass the entire surface of the leaf. Patches of affected grass had a diameter of approximately 20 to 100 cm. Dark brown sclerotia were abundantly produced on the diseased plants and in soil.Plants started to recover and resumed growth from the centre of the patch outward at the end of summer (because of the cooling of the air), producing a ring pattern in the affected area. A multinucleate Rhizoctonia sp. was consistently isolated from blighted tissues. Based on colony and mycelial characteristics, the fungus was identified as Rhizoctonia solani, and the anastomosis group (AG) for most of these isolates was determined as AG 1 by anastomosis testing. On the basis of cultural and sclerotial characteristics, subset of the isolates was determined as AG 1- IA. The hyphal diameter of the isolates was 7.0 5m, and the mean number of nuclei was 6.4 per hyphal cell. The colony was light brown on potato dextrose agar after 2 weeks of growth, and dark brown sclerotia measuring 0.7 to 4 × 1 to 4.5 mm were abundantly produced on the medium. Cardinal temperatures for growth of this isolate were 10, 28, and 35°C. The linear growth rate at the optimum temperature was 34 mm per day. Pathogenicity of the AG 1-IA isolate was confirmed by placing 8-mm disks from the margins of an actively growing colony on the leaves and sheaths of the host plant. Symptoms observed were the same as those in the field, and the fungus was reisolated from the blighted tissue. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the occurrence of brown patch disease of O. hirtellus in Iran. The bristle basket grass is introduced as a new host for R. soloni in Iran.
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