Evaluation of resistance to the ordinary strain of Potato Virus Y (PVYO) in four potato cultivars under greenhouse condition



Potato virus Y (PVY) is the type species of the genus Potyvirus in Potyviridae, and is
one of the most important potato infecting viruses which can cause severe crop loss in
epidemics. This damage and reduction of yield depends on several factors including potato
cultivar, time of infection and virus strain. Currently all tobacco and potato fields are sensitive
to PVY and its infection is widespread in many potato fields in Golestan province. Use of
resistant varieties is considered as the most effective and economic, and safest method to
reduce damages of plant viruses. This study was performed to determine the reaction against
PVYO of four prevalent potato varieties cultivated in the potato fields of Golestan, including
Banba, Boren, Marla and Satina, and to identify possible sources of resistance. Eight leaved
plants from each cultivar were inoculated mechanically with extract of tobacco leaves
infected by PVYO. Plants were kept in greenhouse and symptoms evaluated for four weeks.
Statistical analysis was performed using the recorded ratings of the symptoms. Inoculated
plants were tested by DAS-ELISA. PVY symptoms, with different severities, were observed
in all varieties. Satina was the only variety which its symptom ratings was significantly lower
than the total mean, but the maximum titer of virus was observed in DAS-ELISA experiments
for Boren variety.


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