Evaluation of SU20 molecular marker in recognition of susceptible and resistant Iranian common bean genotypes to Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. phaseoli, the casual agent of Fusarium wilting

Document Type : Research Paper



Fusarium wilt in common bean by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. phaseoli occurs worldwide and can result in severe yield loss. Cultural methods are not completely effective to reduce disease loss, therefore are recommended genotypes with genetic resistance. In order to identify resistant genotypes an experiment was carried out by using a randomized completely design with three replicates and 12 treatments (common bean genotypes). Plants were root-dip inoculated with suspension of spores and held in a greenhouse at 25-30° C. Severity of symptoms on plants were measured basis on a scale of 1 to 9 to evaluate of phenotypic resistance four weeks after inoculation.The results showed that Naz, Sayad, WA and Sadri genotypes were resistant, Jegari, Akhtar and E9 moderately susceptible and Khomein, Capsoli, Aej, Shokofa and Talash susceptible. It also indicated that SCAR marker (SU20) was associated with resistance in some of genotypes but not all and among the genotypes evaluated, PCR amplification with primers SU20 produced a single DNA fragment of approximately 750 bp in Naz, Sayad, Sadri, Akhtar, E9 and WA genotypes, while Khomein, Capsoli, Aej, Shokofa, Jegari,and Talash did not.


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