Plant parasitic nematode fauna in pistachio orchards from Sirjan

Document Type : Research Paper



Thirty five original and fifteen complementary soil samples each consisting of 500 gm soil and 100 gm roots of pistachio trees were collected randomly. The soil samples were washed by centrifugal method (Jenkins, 1964) and nematodes were extracted from roots by Coolen and De Herde (1972) technique, nematodes were transferred to glycerin by De Grisse (1969) method and permanent slides were prepared. Drawings and measurements were made and the species were identified. Totally 23 species belonging to 16 genera were identified. Meloidogyne javanica was found in 40% of the samples and is recorded as the dominant pathogenic species in the region .The list of nematodes from different localities of Sirjan and their   percent occurrence is shown in table1. Rotylenchus whiteheadi (Ganguly & Khan, 1987) Castillo et al, 1994 is a new record for Iran and is reported for the first time from Sirjan in (Kerman province) south of Iran.


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