Identification and pathogenicity of fungal agents of root and crown rot of some cucurbit crops in shahrood region



The root and crown rot is one of the most important diseases of cucurbits in the world
including Iran. In order to identify the causal agents of wilting and root and crown rot of
cucurbits (watermelon, musk melon and cantaloupe) in Shahrood, investigations and
collection of diseased samples were made in various fields of Shahrood, Mayamai and
Biargomand regions during 2009-2010. After disinfection with sodium hypochlorite (1%),
pieces of infected tissues were cultured on potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium and /or pieces
of infected tissues were cultured on PDA, CMA-PARPH and CMA-PARP media without
disinfection. Isolates producing spores were purified with single spore method while isolates
which did not produce spores, were purified using hyphal tip method. For pathogenicity tests,
seedlings grown in green house were dipped in fungal spore suspension (106/ ml) by root dip
method for spore producing fungi while in the case of isolates that did not produce spores,
pathogenicity test was performed by placing small pieces of young culture of inoculum
around crown and roots of plants being tested. According to the morphological, macroscopic
and microscopic characteristics adapted from standard keys, pathogenic isolates were
identified as Fusarium solani, F. oxysporum f.sp. melonis, F. oxysporum f.sp. niveum, F.
equiseti, Phytophthora nicotianae and Rhizoctonia solani. F. oxysporum was the dominant
isolated fungus. The results also showed that F. solani and F. oxysporum could be isolated
during all growth stages of plants (seedling up to fruiting stages) and these species were
widely spread throughout the region. All of these fungi are reported for the first time from
melon fields of Shahrood.


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