Effect of crop rotation on pink root rot disease of onion in Isfahan



The pink root rot disease, Phoma terrestris (syn. Pyrenochaeta terrestris) causes
considerable losses in onion production of Isfahan, Iran. In this study, the effect of a suitable
crop rotation system on 441 onion fields in the two main onion growing areas, Baraan and
Ghahderijan for the two dominant cultivars, Texas-Early-Grano and Yellow-Sweet-Spanish
was evaluated during 2009-1010. The results indicated that, in the fields where onions were
grown in rotation with cereals, the disease severity and infection percentage were the least in
comparison with other rotation types. Also, the orchards that were recently converted into
field crops showed only 2.83 percent disease severity. Infection rate of onion in rotation with
vegetables, alfalfa, and when onion was planted more than one time in the last four years was
17.66, 27.00 and 36.16%, respectively. Between the cultivated varieties, Texas-Early-Grano
showed less infection and disease severity (20.5%) compared with Yellow-Sweet-Spanish


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