In this experiment, the nematicidal effects of the aqueous extracts of Capparis spinosa flower and of Ficuscarica leaf on root knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita, were evaluated. A 2x2 factorial experiment with two factors: 1- plant type (flower of Capparis spinosa and leaf of Ficuscarica) 2- concentration of extracts (1%, 2%, 6% and 10% w/v for larval mortality test; 0.1%, 0.5% and 1% w/v for egg hatch test) in a completely randomized design, with four replicates was used. At the rate of 1%, leaf extract of F.carica and flower extract of C. spinosa caused respectively 99% and 96.5% egg hatch reduction while the percentage of hatched eggs in control treatment was 97%. In case of lethal effect of the tested plants against nematode larvae, when the larval mortality in control treatment was 2.75%, flower extract of C. spinosa at the rate of 2%, 6% and 10%, and the leaf extract of F.carica at the rate of 6% and 10%, caused more than 95% larval mortality.
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Gh. Kiani; M. Abdollahi. "Inhibitory effect of aqueous extracts of Capparis spinosa flower and Ficus carica leaf on Meloidogyne incognita, under laboratory condition". , 3, 1, 2015, 37-46.
Kiani, G., Abdollahi, M. (2015). 'Inhibitory effect of aqueous extracts of Capparis spinosa flower and Ficus carica leaf on Meloidogyne incognita, under laboratory condition', , 3(1), pp. 37-46.
Kiani, G., Abdollahi, M. Inhibitory effect of aqueous extracts of Capparis spinosa flower and Ficus carica leaf on Meloidogyne incognita, under laboratory condition. , 2015; 3(1): 37-46.